
Showing posts from 2024
  My final post : Having this  course was beneficial. Hello Everyone! Thanks for stopping by.      Today, I will write my final post to you and reflect on the course that I had this term. If you read my blog, you are aware that I previously wrote a final post for you. Now, we are writing a goodbye post once more. Therefore, I'm not sure whether this is my last post ever or not, I suppose I'll start writing again in the future. Thus, come back often to my page, you may have me back at any moment. (This image is taken from here .)         I will provide responses to the questions I've been asked regarding this course, engaging in reflection and offering my feedback. 1. What are the strengths and weakness of the course?  I like the variety of technology-based teaching methods the course provided.The given tools can be utilized in our next sessions with learners that are more knowledgeable about technology.  Not all of the texts that were given to us could be read. We might be
  My first experience on AI-generated  images: It was useful.  Hello Everyone! Thanks for stopping by.    Today, I will talk about my experience with generative artificial intelligence tools that I had with Şilan. Using AI, we developed an educational material for our students. You can reach her blog from   here .  The content we produced is embedded below. Additionally, we included a presentation with instructions for utilizing the generative AI we selected.  (This image is taken from here .)      Although it took some time to decide on the right tool, the process of generating the AI course materials was worthwhile. We, as teacher candidates, discovered that incorporating AI technologies into our teaching methodology was simple and effective.       Since generative AI tools provides interactive materials, automated content production, and individualized learning experiences, we strongly advise integrating AI tools into your language education sessions. We used the generative AI tool
  My first AR experience: It was amazing. Hello Everyone! Thanks for stopping by.   Today, I will discuss the AR experience that Şilan and I had. Using augmented reality techniques, we developed an educational material for our students. You can reach her blog from   here . The content we produced is embedded beneath. Picture 1 (This image is taken from here .)      The process of creating augmented reality course materials was smooth and trouble-free. As teacher candidates, we found it uncomplicated to integrate AR into our instructional approach. It is worth noting that the incorporation of augmented reality into the teaching methods can be executed effortlessly.  We recommend incorporating AR into your language teaching classes, as it has the potential to offer a more culturally immersive and engaging experience for students.      While there are certain challenges associated with its classroom use, such as the necessity for internet access and the use of personal mobile devices, it&