
Showing posts from November, 2022
My first wiki experience: It is worth trying. Hello everyone! Thanks for stopping by. Today I will talk about my first wiki experience. Initially, I should give credit to Şilan, one of my classmates, for this wiki page. We created the page together and you can reach her blog from here .       picture 1. (The image is taken from here .) We were given a task to review a film and the film that we chose was "Detachment". This film mentions a substitute teacher who is assigned to a school  for one month where students are low-level. After watching this film, you can observe your teacher and try to understand what they are going through although they always look okay. We first watched the movie and took notes during the film. Then, we wrote down our ideas about the film and put them together. We searched about the film and added pictures to the page. Later, we created our page  on the wiki.  On our page , you can access information about the film and watch its trailer. I fi
21st-century learning: Is it vital to adapt to it?   Hello everyone! Thanks for stopping by. As I said in my welcoming post , I am trying to help your learning and teaching process. With this post, I intend to inform you about 21st-century learning and the skills that it requires.  I am writing a post about 21st-century learning since English is one of the most crucial subjects in the 21st-century learning themes besides mathematics and economics. By learning English, you can approximate to meet the requirement of the last century.  Also, to understand the world better that you are living in, you should know how to think, evaluate, and learn. By adapting 21st- century learning, students and teachers can acquire new skills and facilitate their learning. picture 1. (The image is taken from here ) I n the last century, society has undergone many changes in terms of needs and requirements. Digital and economic changes have been the most crucial ones that influenced every part of people
WELCOME TO MY BLOG! Hello everyone!   Thanks for stopping by. My name is Buse Açıkgöz and I am studying at Marmara University.  I am an English teacher candidate. I preferred this profession because I have always been delighted to learn English and share my knowledge with my acquaintances. This is my blog; therefore, I will post about my learning experiences, especially English,  and give tips to facilitate your learning and teaching. With this blog, I hope to be a notebook that you can benefit from when you need it. Start scrolling and exploring my page if you want to learn more about it and join my world.  For further information, you can visit my  about me   page and e mail  me. I will be pleased to answer you.